Councilman Anselmo Millan
A Harrisonian For Over 40 years.
26 Years of Council Experience.
not afraid of voting no, when no is the right answer.
some of Councilman Anselmo Millan’s Accomplishments throughout the years.
Councilman Anselmo Millan has never been afraid of speaking his mind when exercising his vote on the Harrison Town Council. He has been a resident of Harrison for over 45 years and sat on the Council for over 25 years. Mayor James Fife once praised Anselmo for his hard work and dedication to the Town of Harrison. The praise by Mayor Fife turned into derogatory statements. The facts and Anselmo Millan’s record tell the truth which Mayor James Fife once stated himself. Anselmo Millan has worked tirelessly on behalf of the Harrison community. His records of accomplishments is proof of what Mayor Fife once said about Anselmo.
“He and his committee worked tirelessly to get the job done.” With your help on Election Day Tuesday, November 8, 2022, former Councilman Anselmo Millan will continue his work on behalf of all the Harrison community as Mayor of Harrison. Vote Column H. H for a Better Harrison. H for Anselmo Millan as Mayor.
Please review former Councilman Anselmo’s Accomplishments on behalf of the Harrison Community and join us in electing Anselmo Millan as the next Mayor of Harrison NJ. He is Qualified and Ready to Serve the entire community.
A little bit of background.
In 2002, the late Mayor Raymond McDonough and Councilman Millan had a disagreement on several issues and those disagreements became public and resulted in a very public argument. In 2002, Mayor McDonough exercising his democratic rights ran a candidate against Councilman Millan and defeated Anselmo at the polls. Councilman Millan lost his Council seat but he never stopped assisting Harrisonians.
Harrison Mayor Raymond McDonough with Councilman Anselmo Millan on General Election Day 2010 Outside the Community Center in Harrison.
In 2010, 8 years after the fall out with Mayor McDonough, Mayor McDonough and Councilman Millan reconciled. Both men sought to put their differences aside to help residents of Harrison, Harrisonians as elected officials. Mayor McDonough stated to the press, “Anselmo is a worker. He gets things done. He has an interest in the town and his heart is in this town. He will do a great job for Harrison.” After the men reconciled, Anselmo joined McDonough in the 2010 Primary and General Election and returned to the Council for the 2nd Ward. The mending of fences with Mayor McDonough demonstrated the great respect each man had for each other. They put their difference of opinion aside to help the residents of Harrison.
“Anselmo is a worker. He gets things done. He has an interest in the town and his heart is in this town. He will do a great job for Harrison.”
“Anselmo, you and your committee worked tirelessly to get the job done [and] it was a huge success [and] It was a great time[referring to Harrison Fest 2017]”
Sudden and Tragic Loss of Mayor Raymond McDonough
In February 2014, Town of Harrison Mayor Raymond McDonough sustained a massive heart attack in Town Hall and passed away. Mayor McDonough’s passing was a great loss to all Harrisonians. Councilman Anselmo Millan was shaken by the loss of Mayor McDonough. The Democratic Party County Committee was tasked with selecting an interim Mayor. The County Committee and Council members agreed to appoint James Fife as an interim Mayor. Mayor Fife agreed to be an interim Mayor only and to allow an open Primary Election to allow voters to select the Town’s next mayor. Mayor Fife, however, reneged on his promise at the urging of Councilman & Director of Personnel for Board of Education (former Superintendent) James Doran.
2018 Primary Election
Councilman Anselmo Millan decided that Mayor Fife’s unilateral decision to not support an Open Primary Election should not go unopposed. Councilman Millan organized a town-wide Mayor and Council race in 2018. Anselmo and four Council Candidates gathered signatures from registered voters and filed Petitions with the Town Clerk to run for Mayor and Council respectively in 2018 against Mayor Fife and his council candidates. Councilman Millan came less than 300 votes short of winning the election. One of his running mates for Council came within 20 votes of being elected against an incumbent.
Derogatory Statements
In 2018 because Anselmo Millan ran for Mayor in the Primary, Mayor Fife and James Doran have attacked Anselmo with derogatory statements. Mayor Fife used to praise Councilman Millan for his work ethic and accomplishments but now he makes derogatory statements. The Mayor’s Victory speech recorded by Kevin Canessa of the Observer newspaper gave an insight into the Harrison Democratic Organization. It also gave an insight into Mayor Fife’s true character. It also shows how close Councilman James Doran is to the Mayor. Councilman Millan has no family members on the Town or School Payroll but that has not stopped the Mayor, in a letter, to say Anselmo and his supporters are self-interested people. The opposite is the truth. Please read and ask questions and draw your own conclusions on who is self-interested in their elected office holding.
Every Vote Counts
The 2018 Mayoral Primary demonstrates that every vote counts. Please read this information on this website and go out to vote on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Please review Councilman Anselmo Millan’s record of accomplishments below. We are still working on trying to cover them all. As you can see Anselmo lives up to Mayor James Fife’s quote above. He works tirelessly on behalf of the community.
A Record of Achievements
An initial grant of $168,498 and total grant of $250,000 obtained by Councilman Anselmo Millan from a Federal Grant to help students from the Town of Harrison, East Newark and Kearny. “The Rebound Program has been established in the Town of Harrison in conjunction with the neighboring towns of Kearny and, East Newark thanks to the tireless efforts of Councilman Anselmo Millan from Harrison.
In 1995, as Chairman of the Street and Highways Department, Councilman Anselmo Millan spearheaded the purchase of a 1st mobile Snow Melting Machine in the State of New Jersey. The Snow Melting Machine made it more efficient to remove snow on the street, by having a payloader deposit snow directly into the machine hopper and converting it into water. The use of the machine saved the Town of Harrison hundreds of thousands of dollars in snow removal costs. Efficient removal of snow is essential in a town with very limited parking.
Mobile Snow Melting Machine
In 1996, as Chairman of the Street and Highways Department, Councilman Anselmo Millan formalized a Shared Service Agreement with the Town of Kearny to rent the town’s Snow Melting Machine to the Town of Kearny once snow removal operations were completed in Harrison. This generated income for the Town of Harrison and provided a much-needed hand to the Town of Kearny.
Shared Tree Trimming Services
In another Shared Services Agreement with Kearny, a Tree Trimming Truck was purchased and public works personnel trained to trim trees in Harrison and Kearny. The program saved thousands of dollars every year and provided timely trimming of trees when necessary.
With the Borough of East Newark, the Town of Harrison extended its Street Cleaning and Snow Removal to neighboring East Newark and received revenue to offset additional costs and make additional funds for the town budget.
Yellow Can not Blue.
Before it was mandatory, the late Mayor Raymond McDonough and Councilman Anselmo Millan were huge recycling proponents. Recycling in Harrison started when the recycling can color was Yellow and not Blue. Some Harrisonians prize their smaller Yellow Recycling Cans given out to residents to encourage participation in what was a voluntary program at the time.
Councilman Anselmo Millan with the late Raymond McDonough
Street Department Garage. Recycling early on with Yellow Recycle Cans before Blue Recycle Cans. What color do you prefer?
Councilman Anselmo Millan had professionals educate local hauling companies on how to submit public bids for garbage and snow hauling. The local companies were able to significantly reduce the cost to the town for those services. A Win-Win for Local Companies and the Town of Harrison taxpayers.
The above proves that if you “think out of the box”, you can,
Created work for our local businesses
Save taxpayers money
Generate Income with mutual services with neighboring towns
In 1997 when Councilman Anselmo Millan was sworn in as a Councilman for the very first time, he took his Oath seriously and enrolled in Rutgers University School for Elected Officials program and successfully completed the following courses:
Courses At Rutgers
1) Duties of Governing Body.
2) Municipal Finance for Elected Officials.
3) Public Relations for Elected Officials.
4) Ethics for Elected Officials.
5) Labor Relations for Elected Officials.
6) Planning and Zoning for Elected Officials.
Today, Councilman Anselmo Millan has the experience of 25 years as a Councilman of Harrison. Back in 1997, the Rutgers University courses gave him a good footing but experience taught him a lot more. Councilman Millan has not been afraid to disagree with Mayor Fife or his few council members. Councilman Millan in an article entitled “Millan rejoins Harrison Council” published in the Kearny Weekly stated “Disagreements are healthy. It’s how we discuss new ideas. I’m going to give my voice to work with this mayor and council”. The Mayor, Councilman Millan was speaking of was the late Mayor Raymond McDonough, who died suddenly from a heart attack in Town Hall in 2014. Raymond and Anselmo had a very public disagreement on several issues regarding the future of Harrison, many centering around the Redevelopment Zone. Ultimately, the two men reconciled and continued to service the residents of Harrison, Harrisonians.
“Disagreements are healthy. It’s how we discuss new ideas.”
Sitting out Eight Years from the Council Anselmo Millan never stopped helping Harrisonians in need ultimately reconciling with the late Mayor Raymond McDonough he rejoined the Council.
This article from the Kearny Weekly (a Jersey Journal publication now out of print) see below captured the moment Councilman Anselmo Millan rejoined the council. The late Mayor Raymond McDonough later passed away suddenly from a heart attack at Harrison Town Hall. Mayor Fife, as suggested by Councilman James Doran, agreed to be an interim mayor and allow an open Democratic Primary race to occur but reneged on that promise. Councilman Anselmo Millan and his Council team ran against Mayor James Fife and his council members in the 2018 Democratic Primary because he felt Mayor Fife was not administrating the town to its full potential. Councilman Millan lost by less than 300 votes town wide and one of the council candidates running on his ticket lost by less than 20 votes proving that every vote counts.
Please make sure you exercise your right to vote either by Vote By Mail Ballot or at the Polling Location on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.
1) Councilman Millan established the “Harrison Downtown Community Development Partnership and the Neighborhood Preservation Program” (HDCD and NPP).
2) The Partnership was established with Merchants, Residents, and Governing body, with 30 commissioners by a Town resolution.
3) Streetscape. The HDCD and NPP provide physical and economic assistance to the streetscape project. As a Chairman of the Committee and Chairman of Grants, HDCD and NPP were able to bring more than $5,000,000 to build: New sidewalks, New Lampposts, New decorative wall under Route 280 by Harrison Ave., Turf for Soccer Field “The Courts” in South Frank E. Rodgers Blvd next to the Town Library, Gazebo in Washington School, and as important Grant money to our merchant to build New Facades to buildings along the Business District with a Facade Program.
4) Updated Ordinances: The HDCD and NPP introduced new ordinances and amended the old ones to provide more customer parking, new strategic Loading Zones, provide Street Fairs, Flea Markets to attract people into the Business District along Harrison Avenue.
In the entrance and exit of Route 280 by Harrison Ave., Councilman Anselmo Millan with the assistance of Sponsors, and Volunteers including the Harrison High School students of the Environmental Club and Art Clubs painted beautiful murals and created landscaping with the name “Harrison” with stonework. Today’s government body removed the Mural and destroyed the landscape. What is left today is only the name “Harrison” in hardscape.
For years, Councilman Anselmo Millan financially sponsored and assisted the Cradle program in Jersey City which provided teenage mothers with high-quality clothing and supplies to babies. Today, this program for homeless teenagers has unfortunately closed.
In 1995, Councilman Anselmo Millan established the Harrison Beautification Committee. As its Chairman and with the assistant of the students from the Environmental Club, eyesores in town were changed to beautiful places
1) Mural and Landscape under Route 280 by Harrison Avenue
2) Lampost Banners
3) Flower baskets in lamppost in the Avenue
4) Town Seasonal Cleanups
5) Planting of trees
6) New garbage cans in the Avenue and residential streets.
The First President of the Beautification Committee of Harrison was Angel Alday, in his memory, a tree was planted with a plaque in the Plaza at the Harrison Garden Garden Building Complex between Harrison Avenue and Hamilton Street
All this was possible thanks to the Committee-the students-Volunteers and Grants and Sponsors
Students Environmental and Art Club
The 1st time in USA The Harrison Environmental Club-“Students” Joined the National Environmental Assembly.
Councilman Anselmo Millan always thought it important to work with the youth of the community to teach them a sense of community and the joy of public service and to foster the use their artistic abilities to their full potential.
They accomplished the following projects that helped the community:
1) Cleanups in eyesore places
2) Murals
3) Landscapes
4) Local Store Window Art for Holidays
5) Free face painting for children
6) Help during Harrison Fest
7) Help during Town Fairs
8) Help during Flea Market
9) Help needy families during the Holidays
10) Help merchants
11) Help Seniors
12) Help low-income families
13) Help during United States Citizen Naturalization Drives
14) Help tree planting
15) Help Office work-letters-flyers-banners-invitations-meetings
1) Facilitate access to assistance from our the United States Senator Robert Menendez and the United States Congressman Albio Sires and other organizations including Probono attorney assistance.
2) Immigration Forums to bring experts to assist community members.
3) United States Naturalization Citizenship drives. Helping Permanent Residents become United States Citizens.
4) Free Preparation for USA Citizen Test Courses.
5) Over 1000 persons were assisted throughout the 20+ years the above has been conducted.
6) Naturalization Fee Waivers-We helped more than 50 seniors to get their Naturalization fee waived a $780 savings to low-income applicants for United States Citizenship.
Established the Town Fairs and Flea Market to help local business and bring life to the town with vendors-music-food-entertainment and build community while bringing in much-needed sales to local businesses.
After hearing from local merchants, Councilman Anselmo Millan came up with an application process where local merchant’s Town Fair and Flea Market fees were waived by the promoter. This helped local merchants participate and many were happy to get the opportunity to make additional sales.
Seniors in Town need to be look after and cherished. Many of them are long-time residents. Harrison is where they feel most comfortable. For many years, former Councilman Anselmo Millan has honored Seniors in many ways. Be it as part of Harrison Fest where a Seniors of the Year are honored. Senior Activities at the Senior Center or a Special Mass for seniors with a Color Guard, dignitaries and pastors from different churches for a special blessing or simply sponsoring a free manicure-pedicure, or a special Dinner with a small gift during the Holiday season. There is a lot more that can be done.
Former Councilman Anselmo Millan stated that if he was Chairman of the Senior Citizen Center there would be a lot more done to honor seniors including fresh food (not frozen) and activities for the mind, soul, and body. Our Seniors must be honored on a daily basis with basic goodness towards them. Affordable housing is a growing concern and must be addressed.
Throughout the years, Councilman Anselmo Millan has assisted Volunteer organizations in conducting natural disaster relief fundraisers. Be it the collection of clothing, food items, supplies, or monetary donations, Councilman Millan has help coordinate residents in sending off container loads of disaster relief to locations in the United States and to the following countries:
Many of you may not realize that Hurricane Sandy impacted Harrison severely. Power to the Town was cut off along with phone service because of flooding in the power stations in South Kearny that provide much of the power to the Town of Harrison. The 2nd Ward was the hardest hit with flooding although parts of the 1st Ward were also impacted. There was a surge of water which flooded basements and caused a lot of property damage.
Councilman Anselmo Millan took a special interest in trying to help the residents of Harrison. Besides seeking help from FEMA, Councilman Millan approached the Bayonne Economic Opportunities organization to assist residents with more than $800,000 in grants. Harrison was only one of three towns that could participate in the program. Anselmo’s forethought helped the Town of Harrison to be part of the aid program. It made a big difference to residents in town.
Throughout the year, Councilman Anselmo Millan as the President of Harrison Fest Committee, a nonprofit organization, provides help for families in need through fundraisers.
Councilman Anselmo Millan also established the:
1 ) First Family Fest with free food- drinks- and entertainment to join new residents moving into town with more established residents in a family barbecue environment.
2) Family Carnival. A Carnival on the waterfront to give Families to gather from the neighborhood to built community.
3) First Noah Arch with procession and blessing of feet in the Library Park in Harrison.
Harrison Fest Founded by Councilman Millan
Councilman Anselmo Millan recognized the diversity of Harrison a long time ago. A resident for over forty five years, Anselmo loved Harrison when he moved into an apartment on South Rodgers Blvd across the street from the Soccer Courts. He then purchased a house on Warren Street and two adjacent homes. Councilman Millan speaks with a slight accent but as he told another Councilman at a council meeting, “Don’t let my accent fool you. The accent has nothing to do with my intelligence.” Councilman Anselmo Millan founded Harrison Fest, which celebrates diversity, and he has for many years lobbied to have various flags of other countries fly alongside the American Flag in front of town hall. “Diversity strengthens us as a nation. Many flags of other countries along with our Nation’s American flag is beautiful.”
“Diversity strengthens us as a nation. Many flags of other countries along with our Nation’s American flag is beautiful.”
Councilman Millan lobbied for the Chinese-American Association, the Ecuadorian-American Association, and the Mexican-American Association, and the Spanish flags raised in front of Town Hall. The Town of Harrison has also raised the Irish and Portuguese flags during St. Patrick’s Day and Portugal Day respectively.
Every year, Councilman Anselmo Millan leads the Harrison Fest Committee to donate more than 200 food baskets with a turkey and all the necessary ingredients to feed a family of six including side dishes and a non-alcoholic sparkling cider.
In 2018, because of politics, Mayor Fife tried to block the distribution of the turkeys by pressuring local venues not to provide the necessary space and barred the use of the Senior Citizen center. Councilman Millan and his committee members used his driveway and back yard on Warren Street to organize and distribute laundry baskets containing Turkey and all the fixings.
There was also coffee, hot chocolate, “churros” pastry, hot dogs and water for the families who came. Families were extremely happy and the weather cooperated. It was cold but that helped keep the turkeys frozen. Losing an election to be Mayor didn’t stop Councilman Millan or his volunteers from brightening families in need in our community.
Councilman Anselmo Millan and volunteers from the Harrison Fest Committee solicit the help of various local restaurants to provide food for a buffet-style dinner for over 1300 adults and children who are designated as at-need families. The smiles and pure joy of the event energizes all who volunteer to make it look easy.
The Dinner meal with food from restaurants like the Spanish Pavillion, China Town in Harrison, Sol Mar in Newark, Iberia in Newark, along with bread from Pechter’s Bread and pastries from various bakeries including Pao Quente, Teixeira's, Dunkin Donuts of Harrison, and Brother’s Bakery of Kearny.
After the dinner, the children (and some adult children) can take a picture with Santa Claus that is given to child along with an age-appropriate gift. One year, the gifts ran out and a volunteer went into the Kitchen in dismay only to find a large bag of gifts which was brought out to Santa. To this day, those in attendance attribute the gifts to a miracle. There were no more gifts and these gifts were just enough to give everyone a gift.
In addition to the children gifts, Senior Citizens in attendance are given a small gift as a token of gratitude to the Seniors of Harrison. A fun day out, good food and drink, and a gift to start the holiday season with. Perfect day out for our oldest Harrisonians.
Councilman Anselmo Millan and volunteers for the Harrison Fest Committee have for many years also decorated the area across from the Wendy’s on South Frank E. Rodgers Blvd near the Route 280 West on-ramp. If you get a chance during December, you can see where the idea came from because Councilman Anselmo Millan decorates his contiguous homes on Warren Street with lights and other decorations he has accumulated over the years. His work ethic and joy of bringing a smile to a parent and child’s face is demonstrated in his dedication to every detail that makes up his holiday decoration show.
Window Art
Not a lot of people know it but Councilman Anselmo Millan is an artist himself, a painter. Therefore, he loves to see young artists at work and wants their talent to be showcased and displayed. So he initiated the Holiday Window Art that you see throughout the town in store windows. It’s not easy convincing a merchant to give up window space but once a young artist brings admires into the store, the merchant realizes the benefit of showcasing an artist’s work even if it is only temporary.
Tree Lightin
Councilman Anselmo Millan also had the streetscaping provide outlets on the polls along Harrison Avenue to allow for Holiday lighting and Lamposts to be installed to provide an archway during Harrison Fest and as part of the Christmas Holiday decorations. The feel of Harrison Avenue is transformed when the lights and arches are up.
Saving the Harrison Fire Department
Councilman Anselmo Millan believes in a properly manned and equipped local fire department. While the Fire Department Chairman, Councilman Anselmo Millan, insured that Mayor Fife’s and the Council attempt to outsource Harrison’s Fire Department to the City of Newark was stopped. In a now-infamous Caucus session on the third floor of the Town Hall, Councilman Millan stood his ground in opposition to the idea that Harrison Fire Department with its rich history was going to be disbanded and replaced by the City of Newark Fire Department. After successfully tabling the proposed Resolution, Councilman Millan met with State Department of Community Affairs and Council members from the City of Newark, to ensure that each saw the folly in proceeding with such a plan. Today, the Harrison Fire Department remains in town protecting residents and property. Mayor Fife withdrew his Resolution to outsource the Harrison Fire Department services to the City of Newark.
Saving Lives With State of Art Ladder Truck
Councilman Anselmo Millan was also instrumental in the purchase of a state of the art Pierce Ladder Truck which added much-needed equipment to protect lives in case of a fire in high rise buildings. Harrison has always had a well equipped Fire Department given its industrial past but this investment in equipment ensures that firefighters have the tools they need to combat a fire in older and newer multi-story buildings. Councilman Millan’s vision for the Harrison Fire Department is in sharp contrast with Mayor Fife’s vision of the Harrison Fire Department (outsource the department to the City of Newark).
When Councilman Anselmo Millan was Chairman of Grants, he brought in more than $20,000,000 in grants to the Town of Harrison.
The following are some of the Grants obtained by Councilman Millan:
1. Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP)-Brown Fields
2. Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP)-clean communities
3. Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP)-tree program
4. Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP)-Fire Dept
5. DEP &EPA Grant: Environmental Cleanup
6. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)-Heritage and Art Grants
7. County of Hudson Grant-For Senior Center Programs
8. County of Hudson Grant-Safety Grants
9. County of Hudson Grant-Outreach Program Youth
10. County of Hudson Grant-Recycling
11. County of Hudson Grant-Rebound Program
12. County of Hudson Grant-Streetscape Revitalization Program
13. County of Hudson Grant-Sandy Relief Aid
14. County of Hudson Grant-Business District Facades Program
A) Health and Human Service-Hudson County NJ-Confidential Aide.
B) Budweiser-Newark-NJ=General Supervisor
C) Africa-Juan Jover S.A. Company-Administrator
Founder of Harrison Fest Committee, a non-profit corporation, known also as the New Jersey Statewide Multicultural Celebration.
Harrison Fest was a community event which was held over four days in September in Harrison NJ. Harrison Fest celebrated the multi-cultures which make up the residents of Harrison and now has expanded to include all cultures in the State of New Jersey. Harrison Fest is on hiatus because Mayor Fife has not allowed Harrison Fest to proceed in the last four years since Councilman Millan ran for Mayor against Mayor James Fife in the Primary Election in 2018.
What does Harrison Fest consist of? It consists of the following activities:
1) A Four Day Celebration: Harrison Celebrates Harrison’s Multi cultures that make Harrison a great place to live.
2) Gala Queens Dinner: 26 Queens from 26 different countries –under one roof with 500 guests, celebrating different cultures with International food from various local restaurants. It’s not a beauty contest it’s a celebration of various cultures through traditional dress and dance as part of the program. There are awards but not one contest winner. The Queens practice hard and make friendships of a lifetime.
3) Honorees: In the Gala Queens Dinner, special persons from the community are distinguished and honored for their dedication, accomplishments, and service to the community. Several of those Honored participate in giving the various awards given to the Queens. Among the honorees are the following:
a) Man of the Year
b) Woman of the Year
c) Business Woman of the Year
d) Business Man of the Year
e ) Senior of the Year
f) Veteran of the Year
g) Family of the Year
h) Little King of the Fest
i) Little Queen of the Fest
j) International Godmother
k) International Godfather
l) Grand Marshal
4) MASS: With the assistance of dignitaries, including the Queens, Honorees, the Knights of Columbus, United States Marines Color Guard, Bag Pipes, Clergy from local churches celebrate mass.
5) GRAND PARADE: The Grand Parade starts appropriately at noon on Saturday on Joseph Supor Boulevard, because Joseph Supor supported many a Parade in Harrison over the years including Harrison Fest Parades, and then proceeds down Harrison Avenue on its way to First Street. There are over 75 groups from different cultures who participate with Folkloric Groups, Floats, Marching Bands, Show Horses, Mascots from Disney and Cartoons for Children & Adults, Dignitaries from Various Countries including Ambassadors, Elected Official Federal, State, County, and Local, Honoree Floats including Seniors of the Year, Veterans of the Year with members of local VFW and Family, Senior Citizens of the Year, and their Family, Man and Woman of the Year Float with family, Family of the Year float with usually entire family (like a Family reunion), Business Man and Woman of the Year Float, the young King and Queen of the Parade Float with Family members, and Police, Sheriff, and Fire Department personnel and vehicles.
6) STREET FESTIVAL: After the Grand Parade is completed, the festivities continue with a two day Street Festival along Harrison Avenue from Schuyler Avenue to First Street with two Stages for Musical Groups including Bands, Folkloric Groups, Singer including singer impersonators, comedians, Andy the Clown (from the beginning) making parents and children laugh. There is something for everyone including over 100 vendors with food from Food, clothing, arts, and crafts, local civic groups, town merchants expanding their businesses to the avenue (free of charge), barbecue from the Elks, Lions Club, and Portuguese-American Barbecue. Sponsored Light Arches throughout the avenue to provide a festive environment all along Harrison Avenue.
1) Delegate National Convention: 1996 Councilman Anselmo Millan was elected to represent New Jersey as one of the delegates in the Democratic National Convention in Chicago to elect Bill Clinton and Al Gore to be President and Vice President of the United States of America. The first and the only time there was a delegate from Harrison NJ.
2) Congressional Record: Councilman Anselmo Millan was Awarded the US Congressional Record for my service to the community.
3) Immigration Gold Medal: Councilman Anselmo Millan was Awarded the Gold Medal from Government of Spain for his service to the community.
Councilman Anselmo Millan was Awarded the Gold Medal from Government of Spain for his service to the community.
4) Hudson County Proclamation: Councilman Anselmo Millan was Awarded a Proclamation by the Hudson County Executive for his service to the community.
5) Merchant Award: Councilman Anselmo Millan received a Harrison Merchant Award for his assistance in their progress.
6) Organization Award: The Hispanic State Parade of NJ, Union City Award, Communidad Uruguaya Award, Harrison Portuguese-American Award, Ecuadorian Award, City of Newark Award, Peru-American Award, [] American Flag, Iglesia del Olivar, Harrison Students, Chambers of Commerce of EE.OO, Club Espana, Club Bayonne, Club Espana Baltimore, Centro Oresano.
7) Lions Club: Distinguish Citizen of the Year.
Citizen of the Year Award to Councilman Anselmo Millan presented by the Harrison Lions Club in December 2018.
8) Orden Caballeros Santiago Spain-Knights of Santiago Spain
a) Knight and Commissioner of the Orden in the USA
b) Recipient of the Collar of the Spanish Order of Knights of Santiago
c) Recipient of University European Forum of the Catholic Kings
9) Ecuador:
a) The Condor Medal the Best Politician
b) Ecuadorian Honorific (Honor).
1) Chairman of Streets and Highways
2) Chairman of Fire Department
3) Chairman of Harrison Downtown Community Development and Partnership Committee
4) Chairman of Harrison Neighborhood Preservation Program
5) Chairman of Harrison Beautification Committee
6) Commissioner State Brown Fields
7) Health & Human Service Confidential Aide
8) Chairman the Heritage Ball
9) Member of Juvenile Committee
10) Chairman President NJ Statewide Multicultural Celebration
11) Founder Program “Excel” to help Student of Harrison, East Newark, and Kearny.
12) Coordinator of Immigration & Naturalization Programs
13) Member of Pathways for Independence
14) President of the Coalition of Spanish Clubs from Spain
15) Founder & President of Xacobeo USA-Spain and USA
16) President of Hispanic State Parade of New Jersey.
17) Chairman of Economic Community Revitalization of Harrison
18) Chairman of Grants of Harrison
Mayor Raymond McDonough and Councilman Anselmo Millan at the Harrison Street Department.
Vote For A Better Harrison
Vote on Tuesday, November 8, 2022
For Anselmo Millan for Mayor of Harrison
Polls are Open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
You Can Also Vote By Mail